RESURRECTION AGAIN We were unable to stream this past week due to reception issues. BUT, we are BACK on MONDAY to bring you ENDTIMES CHAT! Tune in! Imagine the entire media and all social media go viral, showing the deaths of the two witnesses. Then, 3.5 days later, both witnesses get up, start walking, speak, and ascend into the heavens. Mind-blowing right? This will take place, and it is foretold by Revelation in 11:11-13. What are the after-effects of this event? What impact will it have? We were all designed to glorify God (Revelation 4:10-11). Where do we stand? Have we committed our lives and futures to Him? Do we purpose to glorify God in all we say and do (1 Corinthians 10:31)? PRAY. PREPARE. PROTECT. PROCLAIM. PERSIST. PERSEVERE. PRAY AGAIN. PASS IT ON. POWER UP. POSITION PROPERLY. PAY ATTENTION. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. Tune in for more and for news that are signposts of what is to come. For more information go to