SHOW 159 - 2.18.24 - BELIEVE
BELIEVE Who can you believe? What can you believe? How can you believe? There was a farmer who owned a field of sheep. He tended to that flock every day. A fence separated the farmer's field from another field of an evil man who always tried to steal the sheep out of that farmer's field. This feud went on for years and years. The town was torn on which side to take, the farmer's or the evil man? In that town was a young man who loved to go to the field and sit on the fence, believing he was not trespassing since it separated the farmer's field filled with sheep and the evil man. The farmer never said a word to the young man about sitting on the fence when he saw him. But he invited the young man to come into his field and permitted him to come to his home and enjoy a meal with other invited guests. The young man was afraid to take sides and have the evil man remove him from the fence that he enjoyed when looking at the field. The evil man came up to him one day and told him to get off the fence. The young man said no, that the fence was neutral territory, and that he was not taking sides. The evil man looked at the young man and said, "Well, you need to pick a side and either go to the field or come onto his property." The young man said he didn't want to take sides and would stay on the fence. The evil man said, "I own the fence." Who will you believe in? What will you believe in? How will you decide? This and more on the ENDTIMES CHAT with GJ and DAN. PRAY. PREPARE. PROTECT. PROCLAIM. PERSIST. PERSEVERE. PRAY AGAIN. PASS IT ON. POWER UP. POSITION PROPERLY. PAY ATTENTION. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. For more information go to